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I am so glad to have you as part of my 7th and 8th grade classes this year.  Here are the steps to ensure everything runs as smoothly!

It is expected that everyone will adhere to these procedures!  

1.  It is super important to BE ON TIME.  We have LOTS to do, and I usually can’t wait to get started.  Please know that I WILL count you tardy if you come in after the bell without a pass.  


2.  When you enter the class, put your phone in your backpack - NOT in your back pocket, NOT in your hoodie, and NOT on your seat under your leg.



3.  Get your table buckets off the bookshelf. I will provide you with your own red pen for editing.  You are responsible for your notebooks and red editing pens at the end of class!  Notebooks and red pens go back in the table bucket and back on the shelf.  You may take your notebooks home to study whenever needed but remember to bring them back!  


4.   The Daily Agenda is always on the front board.  It will tell you what you need to know for class for the day.  Write this information (homework and classwork)  in your agenda.  It is expected that you will do this every day.  Organizational skills are so important for your success.  



​5.  There will be a warm-up every day - either two Daily Edit sentences OR a quick writing prompt.  As soon as you get your notebook, take your seat and start the warm-up with your red pen. Just so you know...Daily Edit and Vocabulary quizzes will be given on Fridays.   



6.  When you are absent, it is expected that you will check to see what work you need to make up including the Daily Edit sentences.  If you have been absent, check the board, ask a classmate, and follow-up with me.  "I didn't know because I wasn't here," is never a good excuse.   


7.  Bring a pencil to class everyday! Bring a pencil to class everyday! Bring a pencil to class everyday!



8.  You are welcome to use the classroom supplies.  However, if you use the class markers, highlighters, map pencils, glue sticks, scissors, or any of the other class supplies, please return them neatly!  We have to pick up after ourselves and keep the room tidy.  


9.  NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER TAKE THINGS OFF OF MY DESK.  Seriously,  please don't just grab something off my desk because you see it and want it or need it.  That's not being respectful of my property.  If you need something, please ask me.  I'm always happy to help you out.  


10.  Practice passages go home every Monday and are due back to me on Friday.  I cannot stress this enough... MANAGE YOUR TIME.  These packets are graded for accuracy and not just completion.   




11.  DO NOT get up and walk around the room to sharpen your pencil, throw something away, or grab a tissue while I am actively teaching a lesson.  This is not courteous to the group and definitely interferes with our learning environment.   


12. Homework packets are given out on Mondays and will be due on Fridays.  It is your responsibility to complete this independent practice.  I will pick up your packet from you directly.  There is no TURN IN box.  My hand is where you will place your work.  If you do not annotate your passages, then I will consider your homework “INCOMPLETE” and will not pick it up.     


13.  Bathroom passes will be issued at the beginning of each grading period.  Don’t ask to leave class while I am in the middle of a lesson.  You must present your pass to me, and I will clip a corner each time you wish to leave the room to either go to the restroom or get a drink of water.  No one will leave the class to use the restroom during the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of class.




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